Government accused of 'failing the fairness test' with new schools funding formula
SCHOOLS NorthEast has accused the new schools funding formula of failing the 'fairness' test.
The representative body for all 1,250 schools in the region has said it will divert vital resources from schools in disadvantaged areas to affluent areas.
The Secretary of State for Education announced new funding arrangements for schools today, as part of the highly anticipated ‘fairer’ funding formula.
Mike Parker, Director of SCHOOLS NorthEast, said: “While we welcome the introduction of a national funding formula, we remain deeply concerned the Government is doggedly pursing plans to include an Area Cost Adjustment which will divert vital resources from schools in disadvantaged areas to affluent boroughs.
"Every child’s education should be funded fairly, regardless of location or house prices.
"This will only drive fresh inequality based on cost of living when there are many factors that influence a teacher’s decision on where they work. We will be writing to all North East MPs to oppose this multiplier.
"Our region’s schools are already finding it difficult to recruit teachers, and fewer funds to do so will only fuel a crisis.”
SCHOOLS NorthEast has welcomed plans to include a sparsity factor to support rural schools, as well as a shift in funding to support schools in more transient communities where there are larger numbers of children moving into and out of schools during the school year.
Mr Parker added: “The legacy of underfunding in this region is clear - our schools receive £45m less than national average and would get an additional £360m/year if they were funded at London levels.
“The reality is that we not only need to distribute the educational budget fairly, the whole education system is desperately in need of additional funding.
“To truly achieve a world class education system, the Government needs to invest significantly so that schools can be more innovative and become hotbeds for education.”
'More than 10,000 schools' to receive funding increase under new formula