Plans unveiled for proposals to improve A19 Downhill Lane & Testos junctions

Proposed improvements of A19 Downhill Lane would take place at this site Credit: Highways England

Plans have been unveiled for proposals to improve the A19 downhill lane junction.

Highways England say the development of the International Advanced Manufacturing Park, promoted by South Tyneside and Sunderland Councils, will mean a long term increase in traffic at the Downhill Lane junction and therefore they need to make sure the road system is able to cope with increased vehicle numbers.

Improvements for the A19 Testos and Downhill Lane junctions will both be carried out together as a single scheme to minimise disruption to road users.

At Testos junction, the plans involve raising the A19 above the A184 on a flyover. Highways England are currently consulting on the proposed improvements for Downhill Lane, which will involve the construction of a new bridge to the south of the existing bridge to create a raised roundabout above the A19 and construction of new slip roads connecting to the A19 and Testos junction.

As part of the plans, there will be construction of new slip roads connecting to the A19 and Testos junction Credit: Highways England

Highways England say the scheme has a number of aims.

  • support economic growth

  • provide a safe and serviceable road network

  • provide a more free-flowing road network

  • improve the environment

  • provide an accessible and integrated road network

The public consultation on Downhill Lane junction closes on 6 January 2017 and Highways England say they expect construction of both elements, Testos and Downhill Lane, by 2019/2020.