Pics: Plans unveiled for Newcastle Turkish Baths

An artist's impression of the Baths in Newcastle City Centre

The charity behind the redevelopment of Newcastle City Pool and Turkish Bath has unveiled its plans for the future of the site.

Fusion Lifestyle is running a public consultation on the £5m plans.

The City Pool and Baths closed in 2013 and has been empty ever since. The site is expected to reopen in spring 2018.

The Turkish bath

Peter Kay, Chief Executive of Fusion Lifestyle, said: "We're looking forward to sharing our plans with the North East public. Interest in the facility is very high and the public support for our involvement so far has been wonderful.

"We are proud to be working on the regeneration of the iconic City Pool and Turkish Baths and we look forward to showing the public our plans for the renewed facility."

Fitness area

Fusion Lifestyle was granted a lease by Newcastle City Council to redevelop the site. The deal means the company can use its expertise in restoring and updating heritage leisure facilities and making them fit for 21st century use.

Also included in the lease is neighbouring Newcastle City Hall - one of the North East's best-loved music and entertainment venues - which will be managed by Newcastle Theatre Royal Trust.