Doctor Who and Sherlock star unveils memorial to fallen police officers

Mark Gatiss looks on as the memorial sculpture is officially unveiled Credit: Durham Police

Actor Mark Gatiss has officially unveiled a memorial at Darlington Police Station dedicated to fallen police officers.

Mark, who plays Mycroft in the BBC’s Sherlock and has also starred in Doctor Who, The League of Gentlemen and Game of Thrones, was joined by friends, family and colleagues of those who gave their lives to protect the North East.

During the service he remembered his brother-in-law, Detective Sergeant Dave Storey, who suffered a stroke one week after retiring from Darlington CID in March last year aged 53.

Mark said: “It’s a very sad occasion and everyone here has their own special memory of a loved one who is sadly no longer with us.

“Sometimes when you go past an old building, there’s often an inscription on it and I think to myself how those people are long gone now.

“But I’d like to think that this memorial is a reminder of all the men and women who have given their life and it will remain here long after we’re gone too.”

The memorial was sculptured from sandstone and is located on the first floor of Darlington Police Station.

The stone was cut by local stonemason David France and bears the Latin inscription Sic Luceat Lux Vestra, which translates as 'Let Your Light Shine'.

Officers and staff have been busy raising cash for the stone sculpture through cake mornings, race nights and even a cycle challenge to Paris. But an evening hosted by Mark Gatiss at Darlington Civic Theatre was the icing on the cake.