Stunning pictures capture hundreds of shooting stars in the Perseid meteor shower

Kielder Credit: Michael Johnson

Hundreds of shooting stars lit up the night sky as the annual Perseid meteor shower reached its peak last night.

The North East was one of the best places in the country to see the spectacular display.

Here are a selection of your pictures from the Tyne Tees region:

Stanhope Credit: Cameron Houghton

The Perseids meteor shower occurs ever year between July 17 and August 24 - and this year more than 100 meteors an hour were recorded as it reached its height overnight.

The Perseids could also be spotted around the world.

A meteor seen over Leeberg hill near Grossmug, Austria. Credit: Reuters
Meteors streak across the sky over a Roman theatre in the ruins of Acinipio in southern Spain. Credit: Reuters

Please keep sending your pictures of the Perseid meteor shower to or tweet @ITVTyneTees.