Durham Miners' Gala: Which roads are closed?
Nearly 150,000 people are expected to attend the Durham Miners' Gala today, July 11.
Find out where you can expect road closures in the city here:
Roads closed between 6.30am-8.00pm*Only emergency services will be allowed to use the following roads:
South Bailey
New Elvet Bridge
North Bailey
New Elvet
Bow Lane
Church Street
Dun Cow Lane
Hallgarth Street
Palace Green
Court Lane
Elvet Crescent
Saddler Street
Old Elvet
Market Place
Prison Green (Old Elvet South)
Silver Street
Territorial Lane
Framwellgate Bridge
Elvet Waterside
Pelaw Leazes Lane
Elvet Bridge
North Road (between its junctions with Framwellgate Bridge and Milburngate)
Crossgate (from junction with North Road/Framwellgate Bridge to the junction with South Street)
Only emergency services and vehicles with a Miners Gala permit will be allowed to use the following roads:
Whinney Hill
Green Lane
Roads closed 8.00am-10.00am and 3.00pm-8.00pm*Only emergency services will be allowed to use the following roads:
Flass Street
Sutton Street
North Road (between its junction with Back Western Hill and A690 junction)
North Road (between its junctions with the North Road roundabout and Milburngate)
Milburngate (between North Road and the access to Framwellgate Waterside)
Roads closed between 9.00am-1.00pm*Only emergency services will be allowed to use the following roads:
Claypath (between its junction with Prince Bishop Car Park Roundabout to the junction with Claypath one-way Slip Road)
Claypath (between Providence Row to the Claypath one-way slip road - westbound only)
No right turn from Claypath one-way slip road onto Claypath.