Watch 3D video of Middlesbrough Town Hall plans

Middlesbrough Credit: Middlesbrough Council

Middlesbrough Council has released a 3D fly-through video of the proposed multi-million pound improvements to Middlesbrough Town Hall.

A consultation period has begun on the proposals to bring the building back to its 19th Century glory with the plans on show in the foyer of Middlesbrough Central Library until the middle of January.

Middlesbrough Council is asking members of the public for their views on the project.

Earlier this week Middlesbrough Council’s Executive approved plans to turn the Grade II* listed building into a cultural venue.

The plans include new public facilities and restoring the original Victorian carriageway, courtroom, cells and fire station for people to visit.

The Executive approval of the proposals means the Council will now submit a second round Heritage Lottery Fund application for £3.7m for the project. If successful the Council would contribute £4m giving the proposals a total budget of £7.7m.

Start of construction would be in January 2016 and the Town Hall would be closed for 21 months.