Congregation could be forced out of church by breeding bats

Breeding bats could close St. Hilda's in Ellerburn in North Yorkshire Credit: ITV

A congregation fear they could once again be forced out of their church by bats as the breeding season is underway. Four species of the protected mammals use the roof at St. Hilda's in the hamlet of Ellerburn in North Yorkshire as a maternity roost.

Last year, people had to worship outside as more than 250 bats took up residence during the summer. Their droppings made such a mess that it was deemed unsafe for people to use the church. Services started again in December after the church had been professionally cleaned.

Bat droppings made such a mess that it was unsafe to use the church Credit: ITV

Natural England says it is working with the church team to try to solve the problem and will pay for cleaning over the coming months so the church can remain open, with a view to taking action in the Autumn once the breeding season is over.