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More than 100 seals shot this year to protect salmon industry
110 seals have been shot so far this year to protect the salmon industry, an ITV News investigation has found.
Although they are officially protected, seals can be shot under a special licence.
Salmon farmers and fishermen are allowed to shoot seals attacking their stock.
Campaigners say non-lethal means should be used to deter marine mammals.
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- ITV Report
Seal Protection Action Group: Orphan pups left to starve
- ITV Report
RSPCA: Shooting seals to protect salmon is 'last resort'
RSPCA attacked for its policy on seal shooting
Killing seals to protect salmon - the welfare dilemma
IFAW: People will be 'shocked' by Scotland seal shooting
Philip Mansbridge, UK Director of the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), has said "it will be shocking to many people to learn" that despite seals having protected status they can still be shot under licence to protect the salmon industry.
New figures from the Scottish government have revealed that 110 seals have been shot so far this year.
Peta: 'No justification for shooting' seals
Animal rights group Peta has said there is "no justification for shooting beautiful animals" as an ITV News reveals more than 100 seals have been shot to protect salmon farms.
Salmon industry under fire for shooting seals
Seals in Shetland in deep water with the salmon industry
Latest ITV News reports
Seal Protection Action Group: Orphan pups left to starve
Because shooting is permitted all year round dependent pups are left to starve if their mothers are shot, says charity.
RSPCA: Shooting seals to protect salmon is 'last resort'
The RSPCA has outlined in detail its policy on the shooting of seals that attack salmon stocks "as an absolute last resort".