Neknominate warnings 'should be put on Twitter & Facebook'

Twitter and Facebook should introduce warnings over the Neknominate craze - a drinking game which has been linked to several deaths, councils have said.

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Facebook and Twitter 'ignoring Neknominate dangers'

The Local Government Association (LGA), which represents almost 400 councils in England and Wales, said social media operators such as Twitter and Facebook have a "responsibility" to display warnings over drinking craze Neknominate.

This is an utterly reckless and totally irresponsible craze which has tragically claimed lives. More should be done to highlight the dangers and persuade people not to participate.

We believe social media operators have a responsibility to provide health warnings to user groups and individuals.

The LGA is looking for these corporations to show leadership - and not ignore what is happening on their sites.

We are urging Facebook and Twitter executives to sit down with us and discuss a way forward which tackles this issue head-on.

– Katie Hall, chair of the LGA's community wellbeing board


Call for Facebook and Twitter to act over Neknominate

Twitter and Facebook should introduce warnings over the drinking game Neknominate, which has been linked to several deaths, councils across England and Wales have said.

Twitter and Facebook should introduce warnings over the drinking game Neknominate, councils have said. Credit: Reuters

The Local Government Association said prominent messages were needed on the websites about the dangers of the craze, which involves people filming themselves downing alcohol, nominating someone to continue the game, and posting the video on social media sites.

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