
Penalties and fines doubled for using phone at the wheel

Penalties and fines doubled for using phone at the wheel

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Surrey Police: Can you afford the risk?

Credit: Surrey Police

From today, the penalties for using a mobile phone whilst driving have doubled, with drivers facing a £200 fine and 6 penalty points on their licence.

Surrey Police is out in force, clamping down on drivers who are flouting the law.

Although mobile phones are seemingly essential to modern day life that does not mean you have to be on it or able to answer it every minute of the day. Our advice is to put your phone on silent, put it in the glove box or turn it off completely. Get into the habit of telling people who may contact you that you will be driving – it is also their responsibility to not call you while you are doing this.

These latest legislative amendments are another way to help drive the message home #ItCanWait. Motorists who are evading the law will find out first-hand how the latest change in penalties will hit both their pocket and licence.”

– Superintendent Chris Moon, Head of Surrey and Sussex Roads Policing Unit (RPU)

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