
Hours of delays at Port of Dover

Holidaymakers heading to the continent face ten hour delays as France has stepped up its security checks in the wake of the terror threat.

Drivers have been stranded on the roads approaching the port for nearly ten hours overnight with no access to any facilities.

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Toilets provided along A20 as queues set to continue

The traffic shows no sign of letting up

Due to the heightened security checks by the French Authorities and the large volume of holidaymakers making their way to Europe, motorists are currently experiencing delays of around 10 hours on the A20, with approximately 12 miles of queuing traffic back to junction 11 of the M20.

Kent Police is working with Highways England and the Port of Dover to minimise delays as much as possible and get traffic moving.

Motorists who are setting out are advised to take plenty of food and water and to check with travel operators before making their trips.

Kent Police will continue to assist Highways England by closing the A20 London-bound so that water can be given to motorists on the Dover-bound carriageway.

The water is being handed out on the motorway by officers from HM Coastguard, Kent Police and volunteers. Its provision has been arranged by Kent County Council. Limited toilet facilities are also being provided on the A20.

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