Advertisement New chief constable named for Kent Alan Pughsley has been named as the preferred candidate for the new Chief Constable of Kent. Share Tweet Reddit
11 December 2013 at 5:27pm Kent's new top cop named Alan Pughsley set to be the new chief constable of Kent Credit: Lindsey Parnaby/PA Archive/Press Association Images Alan Pughsley is set to become the next Chief Constable of Kent after being named as the preferred candidate by crime commissioner, Ann Barnes. Mr Pughsley is currently the Deputy Chief Constable. His appointment will await confirmation from the Police and Crime Panel on December 20. Last updated Fri 20 Dec 2013 Read more 3 updates New chief constable named for Kent UK Kent Kent Police Share Tweet Reddit
Vigil held for victims of Reading terror attack A vigil has been held to remember the three victims of the terror attack in Reading.