
The highs and lows of A-levels

Today A-level students across our region have received their A-level results.

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Student at Mayfield girls school achieves 7 A-levels

More than half of students achieved A*and A grades Credit: Mayfield School

St Leonards, Mayfield School on the East Sussex/Kent border is celebrating an increase in the number of pupils achieving Aand A grades at A-level, after results were published earlier today. The number of pupils achieving Aand A grades was 56 per cent, an eight per cent increase on 2012.

Anna Sozanska sat seven A-levels Credit: Mayfield School

Anna Sozanska, who joined Mayfield on a full scholarship scheme and sat seven A-levels, achieving A*s in Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Polish and As in German, Further Mathematics and Physics. She has been accepted to study Medicine at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge.

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