24 hour sleep out to raise awareness and funds for Brighton charity

WATCH: ITV Meridian's Charlotte Wilkins has been speaking to David Ishola and Paul Corlett

A barber and plasterer from Brighton and Hove are preparing to sleep rough for 24 hours, in order to raise awareness and vital funds for one of the city's homeless charities, Knight Support. The sleep out starts at 6pm on the 29th December.

It's not the first time that David Ishola and Paul Corlett have braved the cold and wintry conditions of Brighton seafront to highlight what many of the city's homeless have to put up with every day.

David and Paul sleeping rough for charity in 2022 Credit: David Ishola

Throughout December the pair have been taking part in various fundraising events for the charity. The friends abseiled down the i-360 and David also provided ' Haircuts for the Homeless' at the charity's homeless outreach point near the Peace Statue.

Paul and David were joined by friends to complete the 138 metre drop from Brighton's i-360 tower Credit: David Ishola

Knight Suppport is a charity based in Brighton and Hove devoted to helping rough sleepers and homeless people through the provision of support, advocacy, clothing and self-care items.

Knight Support help provide essential items for people who are homeless in the city

The city council's most recent rough sleeper count revealed that 52 people were sleeping out on Brighton and Hove's streets. But that is just a snap shot of the overall picture. It's thought that Brighton and Hove has one of the largest number of homeless and rough sleepers in the country.

To find out more about the work of Knight Support click here.