Brighton dads stage breakdance battle for mental health

Dads of a certain age can re-live their youth AND embarrass their children at a family-friendly "Old School Block Party,” bringing the spirit of New York to East Sussex.  

Brighton Open Air Theatre on Dyke Road is host the unique event ion Sunday afternoon, which promises to blend nostalgia, competition and community spirit to celebrate the start of the school holidays.

With breakdancing making its Olympic debut this year, Brighton's fathers are invited to showcase their moves in a spectacular display of skill, style and solidarity.

Ability is no barrier to participation Credit: Dad La Soul

But the event is more than just a dance showdown; it’s a fundraiser for Dad La Soul, a trailblazing community project dedicated to tackling social isolation among fathers and male caregivers.

Dad-of-one Dan Flanagan founded the group to provide a beacon of support and camaraderie, creating safe spaces for men to share their experiences and find solace in community activities.

"The term ‘dad dancing’ is used to mock," says Dan, "but plenty of us lads still know how to get down.

"It's not just about the dance battles; it’s about breaking down barriers and building a supportive community.

"We want to show that dads can have fun, be active and support each other through the ups and downs of fatherhood."

For more information and tickets, click here