Hundreds of Kent children have had MMR jabs since January as measles threat looms

MMR jab prepared at a clinic in Coxheath
MMR jab prepared at a clinic in Coxheath Credit: ITV News Merdian

Hundreds of children in Kent have been given the MMR jab since the end of January as health chiefs in the county act to avoid a measles outbreak.

Extra slots were made at clinics across the county during the half-term break to allow parents to bring in their children for any injections they have missed. Five clinics were held on Saturday alone.

Measles outbreaks have already taken place in the Midlands and in London. The lowest take-up rate for the MMR vaccine in more than a decade has led to fears that children and adults who have not been inoculated are vulnerable.

The take up rate in Kent, although higher in London, is still below target. Credit: ITV News Meridian

"We've seen a lot 350 children to MMR since beginning of January," said Emma de Vos, immunisation clinical lead at Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust. "We cater for every different needs every different requirement. We support children that are anxious. We support the parents. The nurses are all very, very experienced at dealing with anxious and needle phobic children."

Catch up clinics have been held across the county. Credit: ITV News Meridian

To arrange an appointment at any of the KCHFT catch-up clinics, Kent and Medway parents and carers can call the School-aged Immunisation Service on 0300 123 5205 or email via