You can't park there - Van driver delays resurfacing works on Sussex road
An absent motorist has caused problems for a resurfacing crew in Sussex.
When they came to repair the road, the driver was nowhere to be seen and could not be tracked down.
It means the council will have to get the workmen to come back to Cranleigh Road in Worthing next month to finish the job.
A spokesperson for West Sussex County Council said: "When carrying out large-scale roadworks such as this, we rely on the cooperation and assistance of drivers and the wider public in helping us ensure the road is clear of parked vehicles and other obstructions. To aid with this, works information and ‘no parking’ signs are erected on site and information letters are delivered to local residents and businesses in advance of the works.
"The workforce will routinely work with residents during the works to remove any remaining obstructions, and ensure the road remains as clear as possible throughout the work. Despite these efforts, we do occasionally encounter vehicles which haven’t been moved.
"As we do not have the authority to physically remove these vehicles, the options are to either abandon the works or work around the obstruction, with the latter almost always being the option taken as is the case here.
"Our contractor will be returning at the end of their current works programme, which is currently anticipated to be in early to mid-June, to finish any incomplete areas such as this.
"'No parking' signs and cones will be placed out in the affected areas in advance of this return visit to minimise the chance the area will be blocked again."