'Matter of life or death' - RSPCA issues warning as hundreds of animals get caught in litter

Litter is continuing to be one of the biggest hazards facing our wildlife, according to the RSPCA.
The charity responded to 131 incidents in East Sussex and 124 in Hampshire last year.
It is urging people to take their rubbish home with them after a number of animals were caught in litter.
This included a cygnet caught in discarded angling litter and a mother hedgehog and her babies almost thrown into a bin lorry, discarded with the paddling pool they were nesting in.
Ten reports per day are received on average about animals found severely injured, trapped, mutilated, choked or even dead from carelessly discarded litter.
As figures reveal that the RSPCA took nearly 7,500 (7,441) calls about animals affected by litter during 2020 and 2021, the animal charity is urging people to do their bit and join the Great British Spring Clean's 'Big Bag Challenge.'
For this year's challenge (which runs till April 10), the animal welfare charity is urging people to take part in Keep Britain Tidy's Big Bag Challenge.
They are encouraged to help protect animals by picking up any litter they see lying around as well as ensuring they take their litter home with them or disposing of it properly and responsibly.
RSPCA Scientific Officer Evie Button said: "Our staff deal with thousands of incidents every year where animals have been impacted by litter - and they're the ones that we know of. I'm sure for every animal we're able to help there are many that go unseen, unreported and may even lose their lives."
"Litter is one of the biggest hazards our wildlife faces today. It's a problem on all of our doorsteps - from city centres to the countryside and beaches - so all of us can do something to help."
"Spring is an ideal time to go on a litter-pick because it's before the breeding season when young animals such as fox cubs start getting into trouble, and litter will be more visible in hedges before the vegetation really starts growing."
"That's why we're calling on the public to get involved in the Great British Spring Clean to help remove litter that may endanger animals."
As well as everyday rubbish, the RSPCA also sees many animals arriving into its care with terrible injuries caused by angling litter such as discarded fishing line and hooks to plastic netting.
The number of calls made to RSPCA in the South about animals affected by litter in 2021.
Berkshire - 44
Buckinghamshire - 62
Dorset - 75
East Sussex - 131
Hampshire - 124
Kent - 154
Nearly 40% (2,882) of all litter-related calls to the RSPCA last year were about animals that had specifically become caught in fishing litter.
It ranged from a seal who died after old fishing line became tangled so tightly around his mouth he could barely breath, to dozens of swans who swallowed or were pierced by old fishing hooks or became entangled in fishing line.
Evie continued: "Animals who get their heads or necks stuck in litter can suffer severe injuries as they struggle to break free and can even suffocate, while others will slowly grow weaker and weaker as they try to hunt or find food or water."
"Others will get fishing line or netting cutting deep into their skin, affecting circulation and with wounds becoming seriously infected."
"These hazards can very quickly become a matter of life or death for these animals and action is urgently needed to tackle this problem head-on. It's up to every one of us to do our bit in the war against litter."
Evie added: "The majority of anglers do dispose of their litter properly and it is frustrating that those who don't possibly don't realise how dangerous it is to animals. Discarded line in particular is a terrible hazard for wildlife, particularly as it can be almost invisible."
"We strongly urge those who enjoy fishing to be extra cautious to make sure nothing is left behind. Most anglers are very responsible when disposing of their litter, but it only takes one piece of snagged line to be left in a tree or dropped near the water to endanger the life of an animal."
"We ask that all those who enjoy fishing to follow the Angling Trust Anglers Against Litter campaign and make use of the recycling scheme to dispose of their waste tackle."
"If members of the public see discarded litter we would encourage them to pick it up safely and put it in the bin, remembering to wash their hands after. Their action could save an animal's life."