Older men with luxury watches being targeted by thieves posing as charity workers

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CCTV of women police would like to speak to in connection with the incident Credit: Dorset Police

Older men wearing luxury watches, in particular Rolexes, are being targeted by distraction thieves in Dorset.

Detectives are warning anyone who is approached by two women posing as 'charity workers' not to engage and call the police.

The latest incident happened on Saturday (16 October) when a man in his 70s had his Rolex stolen in Poole.

Nine forces, including Hampshire and Sussex, are now trying to catch the pair.

Detective Sergeant Karen Penn said: "There are a group of females which we believe are Eastern European, they are approaching males who have Rolex watches or high value watches.

"They are saying to them 'can you sign my petition?', they are posing as charity workers, they are asking for directions, sometimes handing over a pen and paper and asking for a road name to be written down.

"Once this has been done they then hug the gentleman, and while hugging them using slight of hand, they then take away their Rolexes."

One of the women was described as being aged in her 40s and the other in her 20s.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Dorset Police by emailing 101@dorset.pnn.police.uk or by calling 101, quoting 55210167133.