Kent County Show replaced with Kent County Summer Fayre
The Kent Summer Fayre will replace the Kent County Show this year.
It's normally one of the busiest events of the year, but the The Kent County Show has been postponed, following its cancellation in 2020 because of the pandemic.
The Kent County Agricultural Society has announced a scaled back version, called The Kent County Summer Fayre, will replace it.
The event will take place on the 10th & 11th July.
James Forknall, Chairman, said they didn't want to risk having to potentially pull the Kent County Show, as the final opening date on the Government road map was so close to the show dates.
He said: "A smaller scale event is far more achievable within the timescale we have to organise."
"It is so important to us this year, to put on a show to help business owners grow after some very challenging times, whilst also encouraging the public to once again enjoy a great and safe day out."
Traditionally, the Kent County Show has been a showcase for show jumping, livestock, flower shows and live entertainment.
While the Kent County Summer Fayre will have many of the same aspects, it won't feature livestock.
Organisers say visitors who attend will be able to easily observe social distancing. They also hope to put on a full Kent County Show next year.
Tickets will be on sale towards the end of May.