Public urged to take part in badger culling consultation

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The Berks, Bucks and Oxon Wildlife Trust is urging people to have their say in a consultation on badger culling.

The Government is discussing when to stop issuing licences - as part of efforts to tackle the spread of Bovine TB.

A Defra consultation closes on the 24 March. The Trust claims if culling continues until 2026 - many badger populations will be wiped out. 

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Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust's Mammal Project Manager Julia Lofthouse said:

"Badgers are magnificent icons of our countryside and the emblem of the Wildlife Trusts. We cannot stand by and let this needless slaughter happen. Please help us put urgent pressure on the Government to stop the cull right now and not to extend it further.

"We do sympathise with the plight of farmers and know the hardship that bovine TB causes. But culling badgers is not the answer. The Government has seen no definitive benefits from seven years of industry-led culling of badgers in England. The science tells us the main route of bovine TB transmission is between cattle - not from wildlife such as badgers."