Robin admits himself to animal hospital in Berkshire

Robin in nurses hand
The nurse found that 'Robbie' couldn't fly as he was suffering from temporary ataxia Credit: Tiggwinkles Wildlife Hospital

Unlike other Tiggywinkles in-patients, this one check himself into the animal hospital.

'Robbie', as he's been affectionately named, was found on the pathway by one of their students who realised he needed help as he couldn't fly.

By the end of the week Robbie made a full recovery Credit: Tiggywinkles Wildlife Hospital

Robbie was seen by a triage nurse who found he was suffering from temporary ataxia so he was on a short course of antibiotics and pain relief by the vet team.

By the end of the week he'd made a full recovery and was flying around his cage and was giving Tiggywinkles' nurse Lauren the run-around when she was trying to catch him for release.

The animal hospital say their doors are always open to any wild animal in need, even walk-ins!