Herd of cows invade Sussex university campus

Cows have invaded a university campus in East Sussex.

They were spotted by a security guard outside the University of Sussex Business School in Falmer at around 3.30pm on Wednesday June 4.

It is believed the 18 young male Aberdeen Angus crossbreed cows were spooked by a dog and escaped to the campus through a break in a fence.

The herd then got stuck at the bottom of some steps in a small courtyard garden.

A local farmer was called and collected the herd with his tractor and trailer.

It is not the first time animals have been spotted making the most of lockdown.

These peacocks in Kent ignored the 'stay at home' rules back in April.

They invaded a car garage in Sholden in Deal.

Meanwhile in March, a herd of wild goats were seen by local residents running through the streets of Llandudno in Wales.

And in April, a flock of sheep which belong to Raglan Farm Park, were spotted playing in a deserted children's playground in Monmouthshire - even pushing each other on a roundabout.

Credit: Andrew Stuart