Extra £20m for Kent to prepare ports & roads for Brexit

Kent major ports are expected to be extremely busy after Brexit

As preparations for Brexit are being stepped up across Kent, the Government has announced 20 million pounds of additional funding for Operation Brock in the county.

Operation Brock provides large emergency lorry parks to be used if the flow of freight through the Port Dover is seriously disrupted.

The funding has been welcomed by hauliers. But business leaders in East Kent say Dover is 'ready', and major disruption is unlikely.

The Department for Transport has said that Kent County Council will also receive extra funds to carry out essential maintenance at Manston Airport. The money will also enable the local authority to implement changes to the traffic management system around Manston and Cheriton, to help with the turnaround of Heavy Goods Vehicles.

There have been trial runs of using Manston's runway as an emergency lorry park

Watch our report below by John Ryall