Council leader grilled about service cuts in East Sussex

Cllr Keith Glazier, Leader, East Sussex County Council, Con

East Sussex County Council has cut its funding to services to the bare legal minimum, in a desperate bid to avoid bankruptcy.

ITV News Meridian has been looking at how cuts to services have affected people across the county.

Sharon Kenny was 56 when she suffered a severe stroke and has been receiving physiotherapy for the last four years to help her walk.

She relies on the emotional support from the East Sussex Stroke Recovery service in helping both her and her husband through their darkest days.

However in a bid to save money, £80,000 worth of funding has been cut from the recovery service.

Stroke funding is just one victim of East Sussex County Council's savings cuts which are affecting many vulnerable people in the county.

Parents and carers have tried and failed to save after-school clubs for their disabled children.

But Leader of East Sussex County Council, Cllr Keith Glazier, says it is about "providing the best services" they can for the people of East Sussex "with the resources" they have.

He added: "This is about protecting the most vulnerable and actually providing services for people across the county in a way that is sustainable."

The council leader criticised central government: "Funding from central government needs to reflect the needs and not the size of businesses you have in your county or the number of houses that you have where you can levy council tax."

Credit: ITV Meridian

Despite the council providing funding to special schools for the next two years to continue a service, some are not able to provide Saturday and holiday cover.

A disabled charity, Embrace, has been asked to pick up the pieces.

However the charity have not had the resources to care for children with severe disabilities and complex needs.

Campaigners say they will now be forced to crowdfund to set up Saturday clubs and respite services in the holidays.

  • Watch Charlotte Wilkins' full report below