Sussex hospital Trust remains in special measures despite improvements

Credit: Peter Byrne/PA
  • Watch Malcolm Shaw's full video report here

A Sussex hospital Trust remains in special measures, despite 'significant' improvements.

The Trust, which runs Haywards Heath's Princess Royal and the Royal Sussex County in Brighton, was rated inadequate last year.

The Care Quality Commission now says Brighton and Sussex University Hospital NHS Trust 'requires improvement' but recommends it should remain in special measures for a further period.

Royal Sussex County Hospital

The CQC found that staff had clearly striven to deliver improvements to dignity and privacy within the outpatients department, although the environment within the eye clinic still presented difficulties in delivering care in a confidential and dignified manner.

Previously staffing levels and the skill mix in emergency departments, medical wards, critical care and midwifery were found to be too low to ensure patients received the care they needed.

Although there were more doctors in the emergency department, staffing levels and recruitment still remained a challenge.

The Trust has tried to address an organisational culture of bullying and harassment via leadership training and a staff initiative with a campaign backed by staff communications, and new guidance and tools.

Within the emergency department there was a new self-rostering approach to medical cover that had a significant impact on the department.

This initiative allowed the department to provide round the clock medical cover without the use of temporary staff.

The introduction of a clinical fellows programme in the emergency department had improved junior doctor cover and allowed better development opportunities for juniors.

CQC has told the Trust it must ensure patients’ dignity and privacy is respected in the emergency department by ensuring there is enough space in holding bays, with proper screening and by avoiding the use of mixed sex accommodation.

Princess Royal Hospital

Consultant cover had increased although there were still concerns regarding the provision of paediatric nursing and paediatric anaesthetist cover to the emergency department.

Inspectors found the care of patients living with dementia was well developed on Hurstpierpoint Ward.

Staff told inspectors that there had been an improvement in the management of poor behaviour, notably in the maternity department where a new code of conduct had been introduced.

CQC has told the Trust it must review the current paediatric service in the emergency department and ensure there are enough staff to safely meet children and young people’s needs.

Alan Thorne, Care Quality Commission