Protestors urge Church to sell shares in ExxonMobil as climate change vote due

Campaigners protest outside Fawley All Saints Church Credit: Salisbury Fossil Fuel Divestment Campaign

Campaigners are protesting outside Fawley All Saints Church urging the Church of England to divest from ExxonMobil.

A coalition of faith and non-faith groups are demonstrating ahead of a vigil outside Salisbury Cathedral this afternoon.

A letter will also be handed to the office of the Bishop of Salisbury detailing the request.

They say the Church of England should cut its ties with the company and sell its shares.

It comes at the same time a vote is taken at ExxonMobil's AGM in Houston, America on climate change.

The company says they are taking action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and are playing their part.

Credit: Salisbury Fossil Fuel Divestment Campaign
Credit: Salisbury Fossil Fuel Divestment Campaign