The human cost of the Southern Rail strike

Credit: Jim Boyden

A man missing telling his children bedtime stories is just one of the many thousands of examples of angry commuters affected by the Southern Rail strike.

Jim Boyden, a management consultant, from Shoreham, is just one of 300,000 of Southern's passengers who's spoken of his frustration at the walk-out.

The 38-year-old shared a photo of his one-year-old son Zac, and wrote anemotional tweet to Southern: "Because of your strike, I am unable to travelhome until Thursday and read him and his sister a story. Because of your strike, we will not discover what animal is hiding in his favourite book tonight, or tomorrow night."

He spoke to ITV News from London where he is stranded, staying in a hotel as he is unable to travel home.

Meanwhile, a student from Sussex, told ITV News she was unable to attend a seminar at St George's University in London.

Catriona Mason said the strike had taken her to breaking point.

Catriona Mason Credit: ITV News