Simon's Blog- Clouds That Look Like Other Things

Credit: Dawn Gray

So here's a bit of romance for you. Dawn took the photo above of the sky over Ashburnham on the day her sister Tina married John. Now look at that cloud at the top.

A lovely!

Here's another "can you spot it" challenge from Wayne Spring in Seahaven.

Top marks if you saw the rabbit.

Fay Jordan tweeted me about a big family debate she was embroiled in at the weekend over this cloud spotted in the sky above Upper Basildon.

Sailing boat or witches hat?

I'm going with sailing boat but my friend and colleague Sangeeta Bhabra has added a third idea into the mix...Santa's hat!

Fiona Hubbard took this photo above the Folkestone Harbour Arm with a hole in the cloud that looks like fox.

Now is it just me or is that Pinocchio just above it too?

Mary Larlham in Pevensey Bay reckons these look like Jellyfish.

And finally Gozzy took this from behind the Turner Centre in Margate.

Now that's definitely a shark!

If you spot a cloud that looks like something else, please send me a photo to or tweet me @SimonParkinITV if you're on twitter.