Simon's Blog - And Not A Belfry In Sight
Bats are definitely not the easiest of things to take photos of, largely down to them being creatures of the night. However Dawn Gray in Ashburnham in East Sussex has managed to get a few brilliant photos.
And how handy with there being not long to go until Halloween!
So here are your interesting (if a little troubling) bat facts.
There are more than a thousand different bat species.
They can live for around 20 years.
Most bats feed on insects, while others eat fruit, fish or knew it was coming...blood.
Some bats will eat up to 1,200 mosquitoes in an hour and often consume their body weight in insects every night
There are actually three species of vampire bats that feed only on blood.
And here's the scariest fact of all. Vampire bats have such sharp teeth they are capable of piercing an animal’s (or a person's) skin without them even noticing!
What is that mark on your neck by the way...?!