Brighton wheel to go

The Brighton Wheel's lease will not be renewed Credit: ITV Meridian

Brighton & Hove City Council has made clear the Brighton Wheel will not have its lease renewed and will have to cease trading ahead of the i360 opening, as originally agreed.

This is an entirely separate decision from that of the planning committee, which this afternoon refused a planning application for the Wheel to stay for another five years. Councillors objected largely because of the Wheel’s impact on nearby historic buildings and homes.

The decision not to renew the lease for the council-owned site means the authority is sticking to its original intention when granting the Wheel a temporary stay five years ago - to prevent two competing viewing attractions existing side-by-side on the seafront.

As things stand it would mean the Wheel would need to be dismantled by the time its current planning consent expires at the end of May 2016.