Simon's Blog - Is It A Bird...Is It A Plane...
....or is it just an interestingly shaped cloud?
Some brilliant ones have been floating into my inbox so keep your eyes on the skies and if you see any clouds that look like other things please let me know.
Meanwhile here are some of the recent ones.
Michelle Stewart in Dover spotted one that firstly looked like a heart...
....and then moments later it had turned into a bird.
Audrey Clifton in Hastings got a photo of one that she thinks looks like a very happy dog.
Meanwhile David Brookes in Lenham in Kent spotted one that looks like a pig.
Here's a complex one from John Smith in Cowes….
....he reckons it's a dragon or dinosaur looking towards Stonehenge!
And Dawn Gray in Ashburnham had a double hit with this lovely sunset photo…
On the right a little old lady...
...and on the left a squirrel.
And finally proof this could be an educational feature as this one was spotted over Thorndean School in Chandler's Ford by Jo Alford who says "This cloud in the centre of the picture over the roof of the building looks like Fred without his glasses!"
I can see HOW she came up with that!