Parents thank hospital heroes

Michael Cockerham with his son Phineas Credit: Michael Cockerham

A father from Kent has paid tribute to the team of medics who helped save his son's life - by taking photographs of all 63 of them.

Michael Cockerham rushed his three week old son Phineas to the Darent Valley Hospital when he developed a mystery illness.

Staff realised immediately that something was wrong, and, after doing what they could, transferred him to the Evelina Children's Hospital in London.

A team of medics immediately began working on Phineas as his condition worsened.

He had a common, but rarely diagnosed virus.

As a three week old baby with an immature immune system, Phineas couldn't fight it off.

Michael and his wife were growing more and more desperate.

After a week of waiting and hoping, Phineas recovered, thanks to the tireless efforts of no fewer than 63 doctors and nurses.

Dr Dipak Kanabar was just one of the many staff who helped to save Phineas Credit: Michael Cockerham

As a token of his gratitude Michael, a professional photographer, decided to take pictures of every one of those involved.

He'd noticed how many staff had been involved in caring for his son.

Carmen Barton helped to nurse baby Phineas Credit: Michael Cockerham

Michael's now published the photographs in a book.

Claire Stenning from the Evelina Children's Hospital Credit: Michael Cockerham

Michael's book of the photographs is now on sale, with all proceeds going to the Evelina Children's Hospital.

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