
Police step up security in Jewish areas across London

Police have stepped up security in Jewish areas across London in response to the Paris attacks and increased tensions as the final edition of the French satirical magazine goes on sale across the city.

In Newham, east London, posters advertising a holocaust memorial event were defaced with words including "liars" and "killers", in incidents police are treating as hate crimes.

The mayor of Newham, Sir Robin Wales, said the incidents in east London were "despicable".

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Holocaust memorial posters defaced in Newham

Posters advertising a Holocaust memorial event have been defaced in Newham, east London.

The police were alerted to the pictures through social media. Credit: Press Association.

The posters, advertising an event in Stratford have been covered in graffiti including the words "liars" and "killer".

Police said the incidents are being listed as a "hate crime" and said officers in Newham were investigating.

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