
Screen stops skyscraper damage

A temporary scaffold screen has been set up to try and stop further damage being done after a skyscraper was blamed for damage by reflecting the sun's rays.

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Skyscraper problem caused by 'elevation of the sun'

We are taking the issue of light reflecting from 20 Fenchurch Street seriously, and are looking into the matter as a priority.

The phenomenon is caused by the current elevation of the sun in the sky. It currently lasts for approximately 2 hours per day, with initial modelling suggesting that it will be present for approximately 2-3 weeks.

As responsible developers we are making every effort to keep local businesses informed and we have communicated with them regularly since the issue first appeared. While we investigate the situation further we have liaised with the City of London to suspend three parking bays in the area which may be affected.

In addition, we are consulting with local businesses and the City to address the issue in the short-term, while also evaluating longer-term solutions to ensure the issue cannot recur in future.

– Land Securities and Canary Wharf

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