
Walthamstow dog track to go

The Mayor, Boris Johnson, has approved a scheme to redevelop Walthamstow dog track in east London. Campaigners and local MPs had opposed plans, approved by the council in May, to build nearly 300 homes and a leisure centre at the Grade II listed site

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Redevelopment will 'bring £50m worth of investment'

We are pleased that the Mayor of London has allowed our proposals for the Walthamstow Stadium site.

We now look forward to beginning work as soon as we can, subject to meeting the remaining conditions in the planning process.

We will build 294 much-needed, high quality homes for people on a range of incomes.

It will bring £50m worth of investment into the borough, including £3.8 million to improve local leisure, education, health and transport facilities.

This will preserve the architectural heritage of this iconic and historic site for the whole community. Our plans will also create up to 250 jobs, including many apprenticeships and training opportunities for local people.

– Andy Rowland, a director at developers London & Quadrant Housing Trust

More on this story

  • Walthamstow dog track to go

    Boris Johnson has approved plans for nearly 300 homes to be built at Walthamstow dog track, despite protests from campaigners and MPs