Dame Tessa Jowell MP to stand for London Mayor

Dame Tessa Jowell MP throws hat in the ring to stand for London Mayor at the election in 2016.

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Tessa Jowell statement

The Mayor of London has the power to make a profound and lasting difference to the lives of millions of Londoners, and I've made no secret that I've been preparing my plan. But my fervent belief is that London’s best hope for a better future is a Labour Government, so all of my campaigning energy is directed towards helping our Labour candidates in marginal seats win in 2015.

Applications to be Labour’s candidate for Mayor of London don’t open until after the election, so that is the appropriate time for a formal declaration. I’m standing down as MP for Dulwich and West Norwood so that I can fully prepare for meeting that challenge, and I intend to bring a plan for London that will be bold, ambitious, and will meet the aspirations of all Londoners

– Dame Tessa Jowell, Dulwich and West Norwood MP


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