7/7 memorial vandalised on anniversary of attacks

The stainless steel columns of the memorial in Hyde Park, central London, were daubed with red and black slogans overnight with the messages "4Innocent Muslims" "Blair Lied Thousands Died" and "J7 Truth".

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Graffiti washed off 7/7 memorial in Hyde Park

The monument honouring the 52 dead in the attack on London's transport system in 2005 cost nearly £1 million and has 52 stainless steel columns, 11.5ft tall.

Credit: James Banks/London Live/PA Wire

It was unveiled in 2009 at a memorial attended by the Prince of Wales, the then Prime Minister Gordon Brown and other political leaders.

Credit: James Banks/London Live/PA Wire

The columns are grouped together in four clusters, reflecting the separate locations of the bombings - Tavistock Square, Edgware Road, King's Cross and Aldgate.

Credit: James Banks/London Live/PA Wire

7/7 memorial vandalised on anniversary of the attacks

The memorial commemorating the victims of the July 7 bombings on London has been defaced just hours before survivors and bereaved families gather to commemorate the ninth anniversary of the attacks.

Credit: James Banks/London Live/PA Wire Credit: James Banks/London Live/PA Wire

The stainless steel columns of the memorial in Hyde Park, central London, were daubed with red and black slogans overnight with the messages "4Innocent Muslims" "Blair Lied Thousands Died" and "J7 Truth".


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