‘Light in darkness’: Jewish community adapts for pandemic-hit Hanukkah

photo issued by Chabad Islington of Rabbi Mendy Korer, co-CEO at Chabad Islington, talking on stage at a previous Islington menorah lighting. The coronavirus pandemic means Hanukkah celebrations will look very different this year but the message behind the Jewish festival remains "exactly the same", the rabbi has said.
Rabbi Mendy Korer, co-CEO at Chabad Islington, talking on stage at a previous Islington menorah lighting Credit: Chabad Islington

The coronavirus pandemic means Hanukkah celebrations will look very different this year but the message behind the Jewish festival remains “exactly the same”, a rabbi has said.

Hanukkah – known as the festival of lights – is an eight-day celebration involving food, prayer and the lighting of a menorah.

This year it runs from December 10-18.

Usually the celebrations involve gatherings with family friends, but people such as Rabbi Mendy Korer – co-chief executive at Chabad Islington in north London – have been forced to change their plans this year to accommodate social distancing.

“On a communal level, we’re usually organising the big festival on Islington Green,” he said.

“We (would) have 700-odd people there every year with a programme, activities, crafts, challenges, musical entertainment. I can’t do any of that.”

Rabbi Korer said he had been working “very closely” with the council and local health teams to organise a Covid-friendly menorah lighting with “restricted, limited numbers, non-amplified sounds and no installations”.

Hanukkah 'care package', designed to help people celebrate at home with challenges and activities Credit: Chabad Islington

To avoid overcrowding, attendees of this menorah lighting will only be given the address once their place is reserved, while face masks are a condition of entry.

The celebration will include less entertainment than in previous years, as well as fewer people and no stage, although singing and food will remain a part of the event.