'They're like pets!' Meet The Plant Rescuer of St Albans
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A green-fingered enthusiast from St Albans has turned her home into an urban oasis after filling it with hundreds of plants and adopting the name The Plant Rescuer.
Sarah Gerrard Jones loves her plants so much she treats them like pets, "you learn their personalities, you learn what they need, I love them all dearly," she told ITV News.
Sarah has 200 plants in her Hertfordshire home after a passion sparked by a trip to a DIY store.
Sarah took the plants home, gave them a new lease of life and her alter ego The Plant Rescuer was born. She even turned the bathroom into an 'intensive care unit'.
Sarah rescues all sorts of plants both big and small and she has built up a dedicated following on Instagram.
Lockdown has also created some challenges for plants behind locked doors of shops. "They look sad, but you can't get to them - that's been quite distressing," Sarah added.