Boris Johnson's in/out dithering over Europe can be traced back to a now forgotten report

Mayor's EU in/out dithering can be traced to report. Credit: PA

Boris Johnson's in/out dithering over Europe can be traced back to a now forgotten report commissioned by London's mayor almost two years ago.

The study by his chief economics adviser, Dr Gerard Lyons, concluded London's best interests would be served by staying in a reformed EU.

But Lyons added a convenient escape clause - London could also flourish and prosper outside of Europe 'with goodwill on both sides'.

The first scenario would see one million new jobs and London's economy doubling in size to £640 by 2034.

The alternative would result in 900,000 new jobs and an economy of £615bn.

The mayor managed to 'scoop' his big announcement about Europe. Credit: PA

Lyons conclusions, published in The Europe Report: A win-win situation, to coincide with a headline-grabbing speech from the mayor.

Unfortunately for Lyons, the headlines had nothing to do with his report and everything to do with Johnson.

The mayor managed to 'scoop' his big announcement about Europe by revealing his intention to return to Parliament.

But the Lyons report of August 2014 convinced the mayor Britain should not be 'afraid' of leaving the EU commissioned by London's mayor almost two years ago.

The study by his chief economics adviser, Dr Gerard Lyons, concluded London's best interests would be served by staying in a reformed EU.