On July 7th 2005 Georgina Ferguson was caught up in the terror attacks on London. She was in a carriage next to one that was bombed near King's Cross, claiming 26 lives.
I have never publicly spoken about what happened that day. Nor do a lot of my friends know that I was even involved.
A year ago I realised that it was going to be the 10 year anniversary this July and decided that this would be a good time to share my experience.
I am no wordsmith so I thought it might be best to use animation to communicate my story; as a motion graphic designer this felt most appropriate to me.
This is my story of Seven Seven, and how a stranger’s kindness helped me get out and start to move on.
I never asked my guardian angel’s name, something I regret as I’ve never been able to really thank him. This animation is my way of giving them thanks - I really hope it can reach him.
For me, this film is about more than just personal catharsis and sharing an experience. Its about an act of remembrance, tribute and gratitude.