Beginners' guide: Using the Games Lanes
The first of the Olympics Games Lanes have come into operation, but Londoners remain confused about whether they can use them or not.
The first Games Lane is at the site of the previous M4 bus lane which operates for 3.5 miles between junctions 3 and 2 on the London-bound carriageway. These lanes are operational and will result in a fine if unauthorised vehicles cross into the clearly marked areas.
However, the M4 lane operates between 5am and 10pm. Therefore, you can drive in them outside of these hours.
Elsewhere in London the Games Lanes are currently nonoperational, meaning you can drive in the lanes... for now.
The rest of the Games Lanes (excluding the M4) become operational on July 25 - two days before the Olympic opening ceremony.
The Games Lanes are clearly marked and will operate alongside existing traffic. All road users will be able to go into the lanes when they are not in use overnight.
Those who stray into operational Games Lanes face a penalty charge of £130, while illegally parked vehicles will be removed to a pound and may incur a release fee of £200.
Games Lanes are:
Clearly signed
Operational for specific times each day - most Lanes will operate between 06:00-midnight but this will vary in some cases. Check the times of operation on the roadside signs
Often located on the off-side of multi-lane roads to minimise disruption. In these cases, normal traffic will be able to use the adjacent lane(s) as usual
A network of 150 electronic signs along the network will advise motorists when the lanes can be used.
All Games Lanes will be operational after July 25 and will remain operational until after the Paralympic games.