
20 years since the Manchester bombing

On Saturday 15 June 1996 a bomb planted by the IRA tore through Manchester city centre.

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Manchester bomb re-investigated by police 20 years on

The blast ripped through the city centre in 1996 Credit: PA

Twenty years after the IRA bombing of Manchester city centre police say they are to look again at the evidence and try again to catch whoever was responsible. The attack close to the Arndale Centre left two hundred people injured but no-one has ever been charged. The twentieth anniversary of the explosion will be marked on June 15th.

The Manchester bomb affected many people which is why the case has remained open and has been kept under constant review. is now the right time for another assessment of the case in order to identify and explore any possible potential investigative opportunities. If new information comes to light it would be considered and I would urge anyone with information relevant to the investigation to get in touch with police.

– Detective Chief Superintendent Tony Mole

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