Dog which killed Springer Spaniel puppy on Merseyside has been put down

0205 Spainel map
The woman was walking her dog in a field next to Two Butt Lane near Old Eccleston Golf Course Credit: Google

A Bull-Terrier type dog which killed a Springer Spaniel puppy and bit its owner has been 'humanely destroyed'.

At around 6:20pm on Sunday 23 April Merseyside Police received a report that a woman was walking her spaniel in a field next to Two Butt Lane near Old Eccleston Golf Course when another dog attacked the spaniel and bit the woman.

Sadly, the Springer Spaniel puppy passed away due to the injuries sustained in the attack.

The owner of the Springer Spaniel who was also attacked received hospital treatment for her injuries.

The dog was seized by Merseyside Police and has now been humanely destroyed.

The owner of the dog, has been interviewed under caution and has since been released under investigation whilst a charging decision is sought.

Detective Inspector Peter Rexwinkel said: "Prior to police arrival, members of the public came to the woman’s aid and helped her to free the offending dog.

"They then restrained the dog until police arrival.

"I would like to commend the bravery of the Springer Spaniel owner and members of the public who restrained the dog and prevented any further harm being caused.

"Merseyside Police also thanks the numerous members of the public who have come forward with information following an appeal for information by the family."

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