Dress code dropped for the Grand National - with the exception of football shirts

Exceptions to the rules include replica sport shirts and any dress of fancy dress that is 'offensive'. Credit: Liverpool Echo

The Jockey Club has largely scrapped dress codes ahead of the 2023 Grand National.

The removal of the rules applies to the company's 15 racecourses - including Aintree and comes ahead of the event taking place from April 13 to April 15.

The change is aimed to make events more comfortable and accessible for racegoers. The only exceptions to the policy are "offensive fancy dress outfits or offensive clothing" of any kind and football or sport team clothing.

People attending the Grand National are still being encouraged to wear their "favourite suit or dress". Credit: Liverpool Echo

A statement issued by The Jockey Club's Chief Executive, Nevin Truesdale said: "We are encouraging you to dress as you feel most comfortable and confident on racedays, as part of our commitment to make the sport as accessible and inclusive as possible and in line with the large majority of other sports."Of course, that does not mean we are discouraging you from wearing your favourite suit or dress or reaching for the most glamorous item of clothing for a day at the races if you wish."We are just keen to ensure that your enjoyment is not impacted by whether you can only stand or sit in a certain place based on your choice of clothing. All we do suggest is that you bear in mind the good old British weather when picking your outfit!"