Blackpool gets £40 million 'Levelling Up' cash in resort's biggest investment in a century
Plans to demolish Blackpool's eyesore court buildings to make way for a big regeneration of the resort, have been announced by the Government.
Levelling Up Secretary Michael Gove announced a £40 million fund to help demolish the town's court buildings and rebuild them in another location.
Mr Gove said: "Blackpool is a town full of life, energy and immense potential but for too long it has been overlooked and its communities undervalued.
"Our £40 million Levelling Up investment will revitalise this great town by delivering much-needed homes, more jobs and new opportunities for local people."
It will make way for the £300 million Blackpool Central Project, with new leisure venues which it's promised will create 1,000 jobs.
It had been stalled because there was no funding to move the magistrates and county court.
The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities has committed £40 million to relocate the courts to a new complex in Blackpool town centre. The location has yet to be announced.
In a statement the department said: "This is the latest intervention by Government, which has been working with partners, including the local authority, to help turn the tide on deprivation in Blackpool and provide greater opportunities for people who live in the town.
"Previous work includes cracking down on rogue landlords, finding new opportunities for regeneration, and delivering new homes and jobs for the community.
The leader of Blackpool council Councillor Lynn Williams said: "This is a real example of joined up government at its very best with the objectives of the government, Ministry of Justice, and Blackpool Council and the developer Nikal, all being met."
Blackpool Central is described as the largest single investment in Blackpool for over a century.
Proposals are to transform the area into a year-round leisure destination, home to new entertainment centres, hotels, restaurants and a new public square and Heritage Quarter.