From Crete to Manchester - globetrotting Gecko found in suitcase after travelling 2,500 miles

Gary the gecko was found in a suitcase after travelling 2,500 miles. Credit: RSPCA

A baby gecko named Gary has travelled more than 2,500 miles from Greece to Manchester after hitching a ride in a holiday-maker's suitcase.

Victoria Naylor, from Altrincham, made the shocking discovery after travelling home from sunny Greece on 26 August.

She was unpacking when she spotted something move quickly from her suitcase - but she could not find anything. 

Two days later, her three children spotted the Mediterranean gecko which had appeared on a wall in her house.

She said: “It was so tiny and it is remarkable to think this gecko managed to travel so far especially as the temperature would not be what he was used to. “

Animal rescuer, Inspector Jess Araujo, collected the nocturnal reptile - who are usually found in warm habitats.

The stowaway was safely contained in a plastic box and given water.

The gecko had travelled from Crete, Greece. Credit: PA

She said: “We believe the gecko is a baby as it is so small and about the size of a two pence piece.

“He has travelled more than 2,500 miles but he appears unscathed by his long and adventurous journey and unlike most travellers did not need to have Covid tests!”

The gecko cannot survive in UK climate and it is unlikely he will be able to return to Greece, so he was taken to a specialist reptile keeper where he is doing well. 

The RSPCA has reminded holidaymakers to always give their cases an extra thorough check before heading home just in case they too pick up a surprising stowaway.