Controversial oval roundabout to open in the Isle of Man

The oval lines are not driving lanes, but are described as a 'decorative pattern' by the Department of Infrastructure. Credit: Isle of Man By Drone

A new controversial roundabout is set to open on the Douglas Promenade in the Isle of Man, despite numerous criticism of the design when it was revealed in June.

At the time, the Minister for Infrastructure said motorists would "soon get used to them" and that they were part of "modern highway design".

Others described it as a "disaster waiting to happen".

The roundel is one of two new road features being installed as part of the Department of Infrastructure's (DOI) refurbishment of the Douglas Promenade.

Word of the design reached global fame earlier in the year after featuring on Fox News in America and various UK newspapers.

The design is intended to create a low-speed environment that can be used by pedestrians, cyclists, horse trams and vehicles. Credit: Isle of Man By Drone

Further traffic measures are also due to start forming part of the final stages to the refurbishment project.

Church Road Marina will be open to vehicles exiting the promenade and the roundel will be under traffic lights up to Tower House.

Traffic through Walpole Avenue will be reversed and the Loch Promenade walkway will only be open to pedestrians meaning drivers will no longer be permitted to park there.

Additionally, Peveril Square will be one-way from the sea terminal to Lord Street and Fort Street will be accessible to buses.

The £26m promenade refurbishment was originally due to be compelted by October 2020, but has since been subject to a number of delays causing disruption for residents, businesses and motorists.

The main phase of the scheme is now expected to be completed at the end of September 2021.

More on the promenade works can be found at MyProm.